Adëeva Nature's Essential Oils 90 Capsules:
Optimum blend of Omega 3,6,9. Supports heart, immune, brain, nerve function, vision, and skin health. Free from pesticides, mercury. High-grade fish oil, flaxseed, and borage oil. Promotes cell health, reduces inflammation, and enhances skin and vascular well-being.
Fish Oil – contains two omega-3 fats (EPA and DHA) that slow down the rate of cell division (reducing the risk of some serious health conditions), improve blood flow and reduce blood stickiness – decreasing the risk of heart and vascular problems, help reduce the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body, improve skin softness, texture and appearance, and support brain development in children and support brain function and structure in adults.
Flaxseed Oil – contains an omega-3 fat (ALA) that the body can slowly convert to the kind of omega-3 fats found in fish. However, on its own, the omega-3 fat from flaxseed oil blocks the ability of certain omega-6 fats to form hormones that constrict blood vessels and increase blood stickiness associated with heart and vascular problems and help block the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body. This is why taking flaxseed with fish oil is your best omega-3 strategy.
Borage Seed Oil – contains a unique form of omega-6 fat that helps block the production of the build-up of very inflammatory chemicals and other more dangerous. It also contains the unique omega-6 fat (GLA) that improves skin texture and has been used in cases of eczema.
Suggested Dose : Adults Take 1-3 capsules each day.
Cautions: Do not take this supplement if you have any of the following health conditions or circumstances listed below: Pregnancy (6), Breastfeeding or Lactation (6), Kidney failure (Renal failure) (6), Received an organ transplant of any kind (6), If the kidney has been removed (6), Kidney clearance problem (e.g., a dialysis patient) (6), Hemophilia (6), Liver ailments (6), Kidney disease (6), or you are on Anti-coagulant therapy(8), Receiving chemotherapy treatment (6), Receiving radiation treatment (6), Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medical agents.
(6) – Requires approval from specialist
(8) – Monitor patient INR or prothrombin time to guard against a bleeding disorder (feverfew concern)
Store away from children. Do not use if seal is broken. Store at room temperature.Shop Adeeva Nutritional Supplements at