Best Multivitamins for Students | How to Increase Memory Power in Students?
Keeping healthy is just as
important as all other things that children are taught to be great at. Keeping healthy will help kids to grow strong
bodies and minds. Furthermore, developing healthy habits at the early age is more
likely to be continued into adulthood. Back to school is time to optimize
health and get back to routine. Setting up sleep and nutrition routines helps
with happier, healthier transition.Proper nutrition, diet, physical
activity, balanced immune system, and cognitive
8th Sep 2018
Top 10 Health Benefits of Probiotics | How to Improve Good Gut Bacteria Naturally?
Although most of the
time we think of bacteria as a cause of infection or developing certain
diseases, there are actually billions of
beneficial bacteria present in the human body.
In fact, human body is in an interdependent relationship with microbes. Different
parts of the body such as skin, digestive tract, respiratory system, eyes, ears,
and reproductive system each has a unique microbial profile. Healthy body is
consists of a range of microorganisms including bacteria, viru
5th Aug 2018
15 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels Naturally | How to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally?
Statistics suggest today about 11 million Canadians are diabetic or pre-diabetic. Diabetes reduces life expectancy by about 10 years. Diabetes is a chronic disease that is related to the production and the function of the Insulin hormone made by the pancreas. Insulin controls the blood sugar level. The body needs sugar to produce energy, however, an excessive amount of circulating sugar could damage organs, blood vessels, and nerves. Common complications related to high blood sugar include chron
29th Jun 2018
Men's Health Supplements for Weight Loss | 10 Best Supplements for Weight Loss for Men
Obesity is common worldwide and it has doubled during the past two decades
among men. Obesity is associated with different health problems which
altogether referred to as metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance is a key
element to metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance is related to many factors
such as lifestyle, aging, eating habits, poor digestion, and hormones.
Increasing concerns in this area of health has initiated many scientific
research to explore the causes of the obesity and its
4th Jun 2018
Natural Remedies for Hormonal Imbalance in Females | How to Treat Hormonal Imbalance?
Main female hormones include progesterone and estrogens. In a healthy woman in reproductive age, progesterone and estrogen are in harmony performing their important tasks. However, in addition to progesterone and estrogen, other hormones such as pregnenolone, DHEA, and testosterone are also necessary to keep everything in the right balance. All steroid hormones are derived from cholesterol in a metabolic pathway. The first hormone in the line is pregnenolone, which is converted into all other st
4th May 2018