How to Relieve Allergies Naturally? | Natural Ways to Relieve Allergies
Keep the fall allergies away with safe and natural medicines
Many people link seasonal allergies to the springtime of the year when many plants are pollinating. However, in many cases, the allergy symptoms of the runny nose, itchy and red eyes, itchy throat, sniffing, and sneezing are even worse or only start in fall when the weather is cool and the leaves are falling. Fall allergy in the majority of the cases is the cause of other problems including sleep disturbance, decreased productivity, lack of concentration, and continuous tiredness at work or school.
Plants usually pollinate 3 times a year in Spring, Summer, and Fall. In each season certain types of plants are growing and pollinating. Trees pollinate in the spring, In the summer, and more specifically at the beginning of it, grasses are pollinating, and in late summer into fall weeds pollinate.
One of the major causes of allergies in fall is Ragweed. Each ragweed plant can produce billions of pollen in one season. It grows vastly and its lightweight pollen can travel miles away. This has made this plant the major cause of outdoor fall allergies from late summer to mid-fall.
Another contributor to fall allergies is mold. Molds are growing everywhere and in soil. Especially in fall when the leaves cover the ground, molds grow on them. Molds produce spores dominantly from mid-fall to late fall. Mold spores are the next common cause of fall allergies after ragweed.
To reduce the severity of seasonal allergy symptoms, the first step is to minimize exposure to pollen and spores whenever it is possible by closing windows, trying not to be outdoor on windy days, and washing hair and clothes which can trap the pollen and spores. Since about half of the population who suffer from seasonal allergies also suffer from a pet allergy, the next step is to consider hypoallergenic breeds of pets, keep cleaning up the pet dander and avoid contact with fury cats and dogs to reduce allergic reactions.
While seasonal allergy symptoms for the majority of people it is often challenging to control and the common anti-allergy drugs often cause many unwanted side effects, there are several effective and natural medicines proven to help without the side effects of the antihistaminic and corticosteroid drugs.
Scientific study shows supplementing with 4 doses of Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) extract containing 8.00 mg of an active ingredient called "Petasin" per day provides the same results as taking the antihistaminic drug Cetirizine to reduce the symptoms of hay fever or seasonal allergy characterized by sneezing, runny nose, obstruction of the nasal passages, Itchy and teary eyes and throat irritation.
In vitro and animal studies show that Quercetin could prevent the immune cells from releasing histamines, a compound that causes allergic symptoms. Based on these data, theories suggest that Quercetin may help to reduce symptoms of allergy in humans as well. Quercetin belongs to the group of plant flavonoids forming the color of vegetables and fruits with antioxidant benefits. Quercetin is more absorbed in the enzymatically modified form ( EMIQ).
Human studies found that the Stinging Nettle provides anti-inflammatory properties, also it helped to reduce symptoms of itching and sneezing in cases of seasonal allergy. Some practitioners recommend taking stinging nettle helps more effectively with an allergy when started to be taken before the allergy season by providing tolerance to histamine production.
Healthy food options are also providing nutrients that can help the body's immune system and potentially reduce allergy symptoms. Cruciferous vegetables like Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, are a great source of vitamin c and flavonoids. Kale is another leafy green superfood rich in carotenoids precursor to vitamin A. Pumpkins and carrots are also rich in Carotenoids that help with reducing inflammation, allergy, and asthma.
Allergies in general are the results of the body's immune response to usually non-harmful substances. Long-time suppression of the immune response to allergens raises other health concerns. Personalized professional treatments specific to your conditions and symptoms may help to address the causes of these reactions. Lifestyle corrections with a balanced nutritional guideline will also provide a great improvement to the immune system. To find out how Health Palace's professional services could help you further please do not hesitate to contact us.
Articles and products featured by Health Palace are collected from a variety of sources and are provided as a service by Health Palace. These newsletters, while of potential interest to readers, do not necessarily represent the opinions nor constitute the advice of Health Palace. Presented materials are only for information purposes and do not intent to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
- American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology: "Allergic Rhinitis," "Preparing for School with Asthma and Allergies."
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease: "Airborne Allergens."
- Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: "Running from Ragweed: How to Cope with Fall Allergies," "Ragweed Allergy.
- Schapowal, A.Schapowal A; Petasites Study, Group (19 January 2002). "Randomised controlled trial of butterbur and cetirizine for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis" .BMJ324(7330): 144–6.
- Kaufeler, Robert; Polasek, Wolfgang; Brattstrom, Axel; Koetter, Uwe (March 2006). "Efficacy and Safety of Butterbur Herbal Extract Ze 339 in Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis: Postmarketing Surveillance Study" .Advances in Therapy23(2): 373–384.
- Schapowal, Andreas (2005)."Treating Intermittent Allergic Rhinitis: A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo and Antihistamine-controlled Study of Butterbur Extract Ze 339" .Phytotherapy Research19(6): 530–537.
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