How to Relieve Seasonal Allergy Symptoms Naturally? | Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies
Allergies & Natural Ways of Relief
Changing of the seasons for many, signals the start of allergies. Runny nose, itchy skin, asthma, watery and
red eyes are just some of the symptoms that many people face each year as the
pollen from trees, grass, flowers, and plants are appearing in the air. For
some relief is just a drugstore counter away; however, studies suggest that there are variety of all-natural and effective treatments for an
increasing number of allergies without many of the troubling side effects associated with usual allergy drugs.
Allergy is a result of an intense response of the Immune system to mainly non harmful substances in the environment (Allergens). Allergens could affect different parts of the body including our mucus membranes, respiratory system, skin, and digestive system.
Inhalant allergens are such as dust, pollen, mold, and those sourced from animals or pets, while some of the examples of ingested allergens include dairy, eggs, shellfish. gluten, nuts, and heavy metals.
An allergic reaction could be very rapid (within minutes after contraction) or delayed (within 2-3 days after exposure). Symptoms of allergy vary from mild to severe. Severe allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis.
In recent years allergies have become a public health concern. Number of allergy cases have increased during the past decade. 500 million of world population suffer from food allergies and about 30 % of adults and 40% of children are diagnosed with asthma. Furthermore, existence of one type of allergy increases the risk of developing other allergies. For example infants with atopic dermatitis are more likely to develop allergic rhinitis and asthma later in their life.
Allergic diseases are including atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma, hives, edema (angioedema), insect allergy, food and drug allergy.
Genetic tendency to develop classic allergy disease is called Atopy. Atopic dermatitis is usually the first signal for the allergic disease and many cases develop allergic rhinitis and asthma in the future. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis includes red and itchy rashes on the body, face, behind the knees, and the inner elbows. The rashes may be scaly, and affected by temperature, humidity, food, stress, clothing material, and chemicals.
Allergic Rhinitis is one of the major respiratory issues affecting many adults; but it is more common in children. Allergic rhinitis considers a risk to develop asthma.Common symptoms of Allergic rhinitis include runny and stuffy nose, itchy eyes, throat, and skin, and coughing. Allergic rhinitis is categorized to 4 levels based on the severity and frequency of the symptoms. And depending on the type of allergen it is classified to two types of Seasonal and Perennial.
New studies are associating allergies and asthma. Many people suffer from both seasonal allergies and asthma. In fact, it's been found that the rough and thick lung tissue in asthmatic cases is connected to the repeated episodes of allergies in the upper airways. Probably lung tissue is changing due to the constant higher than normal presence of the immune cells and the inflammation in the area. Failure to control seasonal and year-round allergies pose a real danger of causing permanent structural damage to lung tissue.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease. Narrowed airway because of inflammation and structural changes in the lung tissue and air ways results in difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. Children with allergy are 30 % more in risk of developing asthma. Exposure to allergens, viral infections like cold and flu, heavy exercise, certain foods, and smoking affect the severity of the asthmatic symptoms.
Food Allergy is one of the common causes of anaphylaxis cases brought to hospitals. Main food allergens are such as egg, nuts, dairy (cow milk in particular), soy, seafood, and wheat.Symptoms of food allergy are including edema, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, diarrhea, and swelling of the mucus membranes. These symptoms may appear within hours to days after exposure to allergens.
Frequent exposure to the food allergens triggers inflammation in the mucous layer of the digestive tract weakening the intestinal wall and eventually it leads to much severe reactions and other serious health issues like colitis and leaky gut syndrome. Therefore, maintaining and restoring the health of digestive tract are very important to improve its function and prevent it from being further damaged.
Studies suggest supplementing with natural medicines and nutrients is useful in managing and improving allergic associated symptoms.
Quercetin is one of the flavonoids with the ability to reduce allergy symptoms and inflammation. Studies showed in cases with allergic rhinitis using nasal spray containing quercetin and artemisia abortanum provides a rapid relief from nasal symptoms, and taking quercetin supplement for 2 months reduces the allergic symptoms significantly. Another flavonoid called hesperidin has shown to provide relief and/or partial improvement of the allergic symptoms.
Based on studies Supplementing with Rosmarinic Acid can significantly reduce the symptoms of allergy in allergic rhinitis as well as in seasonal allergy. Rosmarinic acid is named for one of its source plants, rosemary, it is also found in perilla, oregano, marjoram, thyme, and basil. According to preliminary pharmacology research, rosmarinic acid influences immune system and inflammation indicators including IL-4, IL-8, IgE, IGg, and histamine which all are involved in allergic reactions. Perilla extract containing 20% rosmarinic acid is shown to be effective for seasonal allergies. Perilla seed is also rich in omega fatty acids which could even be more helpful in reducing inflammation. In another research topical application of rosmarinic emulsion in 2 months improved the atopic dermatitis symptoms of dryness and redness.
Research has found that stinging nettle is able to inhibit histamin receptors as well as those enzymes involving with allergic and inflammatory reactions. As a result, stinging nettle has been helpful to decrease allergic symptoms.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids including EPA and DHA provide anti-inflammatory benefits.
Low levels of omega 3 fatty acids are associated with dermatitis and allergic skin reactions. Evidence suggests maternal supplementation with omega 3 during pregnancy reduces the risk of asthma and /or food allergy in children.
Studies indicate that vitamin D deficiency is associated with higher frequency and severity of asthma and allergy symptoms. Moreover, it is shown that supplementing with vitamin D during pregnancy reduces the risks of developing childhood dermatitis and asthma.
The relation between the vitamin E intake and allergy and asthma is supported by several researches. Taking vitamin E shows to improve symptoms of skin irritation, redness, scaling and scaring associated with eczema. However, low levels of vitamin E during pregnancy has been linked to a higher risk of developing asthma in children.
Intestinal micro flora play an important role in supporting and protecting the intestinal wall and balancing the Immune system throughout the body. About 75% of our Immune cells are in the digestive tract and the intestinal micro flora are able to communicate with them via number of bio-chemicals. Food allergies and food sensitivities cause constant inflammation in the intestinal wall damaging the digestive tract and interrupting its function. Probiotics are able to modulate the gut immune system and inflammation by lowering the impact of allergens on the intestinal tract and overall immune system net work.
Randomized trials and studies support the fact that probiotic could offer a significant benefits to adults as well as children with allergic rhinitis, and other allergic disease. Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus gasseri, Bifidobacterium longum BB536 ,Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, and many other probiotics have shown to be effective in improving symptoms of allergy and reducing the frequency of the reactions. Infants with allergy to cow milk who was given Lactobacillus rhamnosus for 12 months more likely acquired tolerance to dairy in comparison to the placebo group.
Managing allergic disease and its related symptoms starts with identifying the allergens and try to avoid them as much as possible. Changing life style and taking healthy steps toward better food choices and improving our environment is helping to reduce the impact of the allergens and inflammation on the body.
Measuring blood IGg antibodies specially for food allergies and food sensitivities, heavy metal testing, and measuring blood omega fatty acids are effective ways to identify allergens and deficiencies. These tests help individuals and practitioners to better understand the issue and find a proper way of restoring health. (all of these tests are provided at health palace. to find out more about them please do not hesitate to contact us).
Articles and products featured by Health Palace are collected from a variety of sources and are provided as a service by Health Palace. These newsletters, while of potential interest to readers, do not necessarily represent the opinions nor constitute the advice of Health Palace. Presented materials are only for information purposes and do not intent to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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