Enzyme Science

Enzyme Science Critical Digestion 90 Veg Capsules

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Sale Price: ¥396.41


Enzyme Science Critical Digestion 90 Veg Capsules:

A high-potency formula comprised of digestive enzymes, probiotics and nutraceuticals, such as that offered by Critical Digestion, may provide substantial support for maintaining a healthy intestinal environment.

According to the American Gastroenterological Association, nearly half of the American population reports that digestive issues impact their sleep patterns, exercise, and participation in recreational and social activities. Digestive distress has been reported to affect over 95 million Americans. Individuals who experience digestive distress may face occasional symptoms of gas, bloating, indigestion, abdominal discomfort, distention, irregularity and general food intolerance. Since impaired digestion disrupts our ability to properly break down and assimilate the foods we eat, dietary modification and supplementation is often necessary to improve overall wellbeing. Enzymes supplementation works with our digestive system to lessen symptoms associated with impaired digestion. 

Supplement Facts:

Supplement Facts Per 1 Capsule
Amylase Thera-blend
23,000 DU
Protease Thera-blend
75,000 HUT
50 AGU
250 DPPU
Alpha Galactosidase
500 GaIU
ATPro Blend
(ATP Magnesium Citrate Alpha Lipoic Acid CoQ10)
78 mg
Lipase Thera-blend
4,000 FCCFIP
Cellulase Thera-blend
1,500 CU
900 ALU
Beta Glucanase
25 BGU
200 DP
535 SU
Pectinase w/ Phytase
150 Endo-PGU
50 HCU
Probiotics Blend:
(L.acidophilus DDS-1, L. rhamnosus, L.casei, L. gasseri, L. plantarum, L. bulgaricus, L. salivarius, L. paracasei)
1 Billion CFU

The Science:

The Enzymes are the most effective tools made by the body to aid digestion and metabolism. They turn the food we eat into energy (ATP) and unlock the energy for use in the body. A tremendous amount of energy is required to produce the metabolic, biochemical and digestive enzymes necessary for health and maintenance. When we fail to properly break down foods, the digestive process is disrupted. When there is an insufficient quantity of digestive enzymes present in the body, undigested food may pass into the large intestine and be acted upon by intestinal flora. The resulting reaction produces gas and discomfort. Enzyme supplementation encourages healthy digestion of proteins, fats, fibers and carbohydrates, in addition to promoting an optimally functional GI tract. Providing the body with a sufficient supply of enzymes decreases the amount of energy required to complete the digestive process. Enzymes provide therapeutic benefits beyond the GI tract by increasing physical vitality and general wellbeing.

Probiotics support regularity, aid the immune system, product digestive enzymes and manufacture essential vitamins B and K. When we consume probiotics, we promote an environment where beneficial microflora thrive. Critical Digestion contains one billion active probiotic cultures in each capsule.

Guaranteed potency at room temperature, the probiotics in Critical Digestion fuel the digestive process to produce additional lactase, protease and amylase enzymes to the lower GI tract. The enzymes offer synergistic benefits to the full spectrum formula, supporting optimal digestive health.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) produced in every cell, is found in all raw foods and is the bodyís natural source of energy. Supplementing with ATP complements a healthy diet by increasing the energy potential of foods consumed. It is a primary signaling molecule for healthy cellular processes. One such process is the necessary production of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) in the stomach, which supports protein digestion. ATP is also instrumental for the cells to benefit from the nutrition found in food. Without ATP no nutrients would be able to pass through the stomachís membrane.

Stressors like age and exercise can diminish ATP levels. Supplementing with ATP and nutraceuticals that support ATP production may complement the bodyís natural energy production. Supplementation may also decrease the energy demand of the digestive process, support nutrient absorption and improve HCl availability in the upper GI.

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